Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!!!

It has been several weeks since I have posted. I have been busy with work and trying to make a life for myself out here in the Colorado Rockies. I think today we are shooting to be the coldest place in the nation for the second time this season. (The first time was on Dec 25,2015 at -12ºF) At last look we are up to -19ºF but when I woke up just after 8:00 MST it was -24ºF.  So I am writing this drinking on Smores flavored Hot Cocoa with marshmallows. MMMMM...So good this frigid morning.

So to do some catching up, on Dec 11 on my way home from work I got involved in a wreck where the other person slid through a stop sign into an intersection and hit me. I walked away with possibly some whiplash and a busted front end of my ride but nothing anymore serious than that. 

The next day we had a Radiology Christmas party out at Mark's house. I went out to Mark and Regina's after doing some errands in town to help set everything up. We had an ugly sweater dress up and did white elephant gifts...It was so much fun. Although driving out there less than 24 hours after being in an accident was no fun, toss in the fact they live off of dirt roads that don't get plowed but during the week...BLECH!
Some of the folks from radiology and significant others.
Mark with some of the radiology girls.

Then after that things sort of slowed down for me. I have been working and running around trying to get the things needed to get my car fixed after the accident. I went and spent Christmas Eve night with a dear friend and co-workers family. That night was so fun even though I was late to arrive there. I got from her kiddos (who are as cute as can be and very very thoughtful) a blinky Christmas bulb necklace, and from her and the whole family I got a doTerra Glamour set which is awesome and a Christmas card with some photos of her children. Those photos are now up on my fridge.

Christmas day I spent the morning cooking to head back out to Mark and Regina's to do Christmas with them and Mark's youngest son Nick. There I got some fuzzy warm socks, Carhartt socks and a Moon Pie. They get that I am southern and wouldn't have it any other way. Poor Nick doesn't have a clue what it means to be southern or what southern food really tastes like. Poor guy. From the rest of my family and friends meant I got some knitting tools that will be put to use soon. (I have to find something to do with my time on the weekends when I am not on call and it's colder than a snowman's butt outside.) Some wonderful flavored hot cocoa with marshmallows. (Thank you Ayla!!) A really cute winter hat that has a lining in it to help keep my head warm, some toe separator socks, 2 new pair of gloves- my old ones have apparently been put through the ringer by me- and a clava to keep my nose and face warm.

So to finish it up...although I don't have many friends out here I do have my co-workers who are amazing. Now if I could just find somewhere that needs a whole new radiology department and was somewhere much warmer with less snow...I would convince everyone to move and I think that it would be perfect. But I doubt that will happen. One can dream right?!

So here's more random pictures of snow over the last month that we have gotten including some of the berms that are left behind here from the snow plows.

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